I've created a csv file with my transactions exported from my old PFROI program and massaged with Excel to match Fund Manager's transaction codes as well as I could. But it is importing all my transactions as buys. Can you tell me what is wrong? My import format is: YY,MM,DD,TRAN,SYMB,BNUM,ANUM,CNUM
and the first lines of my file looks like this:
1991,3,17,TXIN ,EDPB ,2.00000 ,315.000 ,0.000
1991,3,18,TXIN ,GE ,240.00000 ,67.130 ,0.000
1991,3,31,TXIN ,S ,122.00000 ,35.250 ,0.000
1993,6,28,DIST_R ,S ,0.00000 ,0.000 ,0.000
1993,6,28,SELL ,MWD ,-0.61800 ,37.190 ,0.000
1993,6,28,TXIN ,MWD ,47.61800 ,37.190 ,0.000
1993,6,28,TXOUT ,S ,0.00000 ,0.000 ,0.000
1994,5,11,SPLIT ,GE ,240.00000 ,0.000 ,0.000
1995,6,28,DIST_R ,S ,0.00000 ,0.000 ,0.000
1995,6,28,SELL ,ALL ,-0.09830 ,29.690 ,0.000
Thanks for your help.