I made an error to upload wrong trades over a month period accross multiple portfolios.
How can I delete all these transactions in bulk without deleting one after the other. Please help with shortcut.
How to delete transactions in bulk for multiple dates
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I made an error to upload wrong trades over a month period accross multiple portfolios. How can I delete all these transactions in bulk without deleting one after the other. Please help with shortcut. Regards
Hi Segunmichael,
There isn't a shortcut way to do delete multiple transactions from multiple investments/accounts at once. Here are a couple ideas: 1) Quit without saving. 2) If #1 isn't an option, you can do a restore. Use "File / Restore..." and restore from a backup prior to the error. If you don't have your own backups, you can use the automatic ones made by FM. See "Options / General Preferences... / Data".
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the prompt response. What if i extract all the transactions to an excel file and then sort and delete the transactions within my desired range and reupload the balance back to fund amanger? What do you think?
Hi Segunmichael,
Importing does not overwrite existing transactions. It just adds them as new transactions. The old ones will still be there. If you want to manually delete the erroneous transactions, and you know the dates are recent you could create an Investment Transaction report at your top-most sub-portfolio, and sort it by date. You can click on a transaction to open it up in the Data Register, and then delete it.
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