Recording Bond Transactions


When recording bond transactions the share quantity should be 1/100th of the bond's face value.  Bond prices are retrieved/recorded as a percentage of face value (around 100).  A bond's value is calculated by Fund Manager the same as any other investment: Value = Shares * Price.  Recording the share quantity as 1/100th the face value and having the pricing as a percentage of face value will provide the correct bond valuation.



You paid $985 for a bond with a $1000 face value.  Record a purchase of 10 shares at a price of $98.5 for a transaction value of $985.


The above explanation and example assumes the investment property of "Face Value per Share" is set to the default of 100.  Adjust accordingly if your bond has a different face value per share.


Notes on Accrued Interest:

If you pay or receive accrued interest with your bond transaction, enter this amount in the "Accrued Interest" field.  For purchases, Fund Manager will record a negative interest income distribution for this amount.  For redemptions, Fund Manager will record a positive interest income distribution.  The option to enter accrued interest is available when entering a new transaction and your investment is set to a transaction entry preference of "commission fees" and the income style is set to "Bond Interest".

See Also

Accrued Interest

Bond Accretion and Amortization

Investment Properties - Income Dialog

Buy or Sell Dialog for Bonds


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