Report Preferences - Management Fees Dialog


This dialog is available from the Options / Report Preferences... menu command under any Report window.


This dialog page allows you to specify preferences on how the Management Fees report is displayed. The following options are available:


Display Columns:

Place a check mark next to each field to display in the Management Fees report

Calculate Years Using Days

The "Years" field displayed in the Management Fees report and used for calculating fees is based on elapsed days when this option is selected.  When this option is off, years are rounded to common values.  For example, when creating a management fee report for the second quarter of a year (April 1 through June 30) the number of days is 91.  If the current year had 365 days, this comes out to 0.24932 years when calculating years using days.  If this option is off the years value in this example would be 0.25.  When this option is off, any time period that spans a full quarter will be 0.25, or any report that spans a full month will be 1/12th.  Otherwise, the day count is used to calculate the years.

Hide Items With No Fees

Sub-portfolios that have an assigned management fee method will not be displayed when their fees calculate to zero

Use Absolute Value of Short Positions for Managed Value Calculation

When calculating "Managed Value" any short positions (negative valued investments) will increase the managed value, instead of reducing it.

See Also

Management Fees

Management Fees Report

Report Window

Report Column Labels

Report Preferences Dialog



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