This graph type stacks one symbol's value on top of another. The value of all investments with the same symbol are lumped together. The sum of all the stacked sections is the total portfolio value. This graph shows the relative size of each symbol within the portfolio. This is the equivalent of the Symbol - Pie Graph drawn versus time. The status bar will be updated with the name of the symbol currently under the cursor. The date and value pointed to by the cursor will be shown in the bottom right status bar panes. If the cursor is turned off then this date/value will be where the cursor is pointing. If a cursor is on, then the value will be the value of the symbol under the cursor on the pointed to date. Adjust a particular investment's symbol using the Investment Properties - General Dialog.
Use the option Graphs / Options / Normalize to scale each stack so that the total is 100% on each plotted day. This removes the variation of total portfolio market value from the plotted height, to more easily see the allocation percentages with the portfolio.
When there are too many stack sections to fit in the legend, use the arrow/page/home/end keys to scroll the legend. Left mouse click on any section to create a report detailing the investments associated with that section.
Use Options / Colors... to edit the colors of the stacked value graph. The stack segments use the "Pie Slice (1-100)" colors.
Investment Properties - General Dialog