Portfolio Performance Report


This report can be created by selecting the Reports / Portfolio Performance... command from within any window.


This report gives you an insight into how well your invested money performed.  Customize which fields are displayed in this report using the Report Preferences - Portfolio Performance Dialog.  The following columns can be displayed for this report type:


Beg Value

The market value of this line item at the start of the beginning report date. (i.e. This is the closing value on the date prior to the report's starting date.)

Cash Flow Style: Invested and Distrib.



Net out of pocket contributions made by the investor. The sum of all purchases minus all redemptions within the specified date range. (Does not include reinvested distributions.)  Includes OOP cost of Transfer In transactions.  Transfer Out transactions reduce this amount by the OOP cost transferred out.


Sum of all distributed (not reinvested) distributions during date range

Cash Flow Style: Contributions, Withdrawals, and With-Distrib.  (more info)



Out of pocket contributions (deposits) made by the investor from the starting, through the ending report date


Out of pocket withdrawals made by the investor from the starting, through the ending report date


Sum of any withdrawn distributed distributions (cash distributions) during date range.  Does not include retained or reinvested distributions.

End Value

The market value of this line item on the ending report date.


The value gained by this line item for the specified time period.  Gain will be the same for both cash flow styles, and can be calculated with either formula:

(Gain = End Value + Distrib. - Invested - Beg Value)
(Gain = End Value +
Withdrawals + With-Distrib. - Contributions - Beg Value)


The percent gain for this line item for the specified date range.


The percent gain on investment for this line item for the specified date range.


The percent gain of value for this line item for the specified date range. If the beginning value is zero, this figure is not applicable and is reported as "N.A.".


The ROI yield for the report's date range or the period shares were owned within the report's date range (more info).


This report shows cash flow in/out of the item being reported on.  You can choose from 2 different styles of displaying cash flow in the Report Preferences - Portfolio Performance Dialog.  For more details on cash flow, see External Cash Flow.

See Also

About Reports

Report Settings Dialog

Report Window - Menu Commands

Report Preferences

Memorized Report Dialog

Report Colors

Report Preferences - Portfolio Performance Dialog

External Cash Flow


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