Importing from Rydex


Fund Manager Advisor can utilize Rydex data files for import and reconciliation.  Rydex can provide data files in several formats.  Fund Manager uses their "Centerpiece" formatted data files.  Fund Manager utilizes the following file formats:





Positions (Import or Reconcile)


Security details




Video Tutorial:  See the Tutorial on Importing Position/Transaction Files.


The commands for importing from Rydex are available under the File / Import menu.  The commands for reconciling are under the Edit menu.  Details on each type of operation is described here:

Transaction Imports:  When importing transactions, existing investments and accounts are updated by sub-portfolio account number and the investment's symbol property.   When importing Fund Manager will also look for corresponding SEC and PRI files with the same base filename.  For example, if you select to import the file: AD100517.TRN, all of the following files in the same folder will be utilized if present:  AD100517.TRN, AD100517.SEC, and AD100517.PRI.  When importing all files in a folder, any file with the extension TRN, SEC, or PRI will be utilized.  The SEC and PRI files are used to update pricing and establish the name, and investment type of new investments.


Position Imports:  Initial starting positions can be imported from a POS file.  You would only ever want to import positions at most one time, when you are getting started.  If you have all historical transaction files, it is not necessary to import starting positions.  Importing positions is only necessary if you would like to establish an initial starting position, without entering/importing all prior historical transactions.  Imported positions are recorded as a purchase of the specified number of shares at a cost of zero, as no cost basis data is available.  You can either manually edit the cost basis after importing, or choose to only report on performance after the date of position import.


When importing a position file Fund Manager will also look for corresponding SEC and PRI files with the same base filename.  For example, if you select to import the file: AD100517.POS, all of the following files in the same folder will be utilized if present:  AD100517.POS, AD100517.SEC, AD100517.PRI.  The SEC and PRI files are used to update pricing and establish the name and investment type of new investments.


Price Imports:  Pricing data can be imported from a PRI file.  Pricing of existing investments is updated by the investment's symbol property.


Reconciling With Position Files:  Single account or bulk reconciliation can be done using position files.  When bulk reconciling, you select a folder where your position files are located.  Any POS file in that folder will be read in, and all positions for the specified date will be utilized.  When reconciling a single account, you select a specific POS file to reconcile against.

See Also

Importing Transactions

Retrieving Transactions

Preview Importing Transactions Dialog

Tutorial on Importing Position/Transaction Files


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