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Re: Custom report-Tax Basis, Unrealized Gain, etc.

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Posted by Mark on March 28, 1999 at 12:40:03:

In Reply to: Custom report-Tax Basis, Unrealized Gain, etc. posted by Richard Hubbard on March 26, 1999 at 17:43:44:

: Am using FM v3.4.

: Trying to create Custom Report to show Tax Basis, Unrealized
: Gain, Commissions for stock I bought & sold:

: Bought stock on 3/31/1995 with commission of $50.
: Sold stock on 3/19/1999 with commission of $40.

: 1- If I set dates at 3/31/1995 (from) & 3/19/1999 (to), I
: get "NA" for Tax Basis & Unrealized Gain & $40 for Commissions.

: 2- If I set dates at 3/30/1995 (from) & 3/19/1999 (to), I
: get "NA" for Tax Basis & Unrealized Gain & $90 for Commissions.

: 3- If I set dates at 3/31/1995 & 3/18/1999, I get a value for
: Tax Basis & Unrealized Gain, but $0 for commissions.

: 4- If I set dates at 3/30/1995 & 3/18/1999, I get a value for
: Tax Basis & Unrealized Gain, but only $50 for Commissions.

: In both 3 & 4 above, the Tax Basis value is the same, but neither
: reflects the $40 "sell" Commission.

: How do I set up Custom Report to show the "true" values for
: these stock transactions?

: Thanks.
: Richard
: 3/26/99

Hi Richard,
FM puts the commission fees from your purchases into the tax cost basis. It puts the commission fees from your sells into the sell value, reducing any gains. FM is showing you the "true" values, it is just that once you've sold your shares you no longer have a cost basis or unrealized gain. Before you've sold your shares, you don't have the sell commission fee...

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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