Re: Gain Graph Bug
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Posted by Gary on April 15, 1999 at 11:40:17:
In Reply to: Re: Gain Graph Bug posted by Mark on April 15, 1999 at 08:56:09:
: : An investment gain graph shows incorrect gain value. : : I brought 1000 shares of XYZ stock on 4/7 at $16.25. : : XYZ is a new investment for me so the price data : : also starts on 4/7. XYZ closed at 16 on 4/7. XYZ : : closed at 15 on 4/14. So the graph should display : : a gain of -$1250, but it displays -$1000. The program : : is using the closing price of XYZ on 4/7 to calculate : : the gain, which is wrong. It should use the actual : : transaction price of 16.25. Now the reports I generate : : gives the correct value. The XYZ.dat file did start : : life as a FM3.4 file, and was converted to FM4.0 along : : with all my other *.dat files. : : Gary : Hi Gary, : I don't think this is a bug. I assume your : graph date range starts at 4/7? The gain graph : plots the difference between the closing : value and the closing cost, so it is not including : the gains/losses from any purchases on the start : of the graph date. If you want it to work : this way, start the graph date one day earlier. : This is how reports work, there starting points are from the close of the prior day. Hi...Mark, Yes the graph date starts at 4/7. When I generate a "Portfolio Performance" report with a date range of 4/7 - 4/14 it shows a gain of -$1250. As explained in my original posting the "Gain" graph for the date range of 4/7 - 4/14 shows a gain of -$1000. So the report includes transactions on 4/7 while the graph does not. As a user when I specify a date range I automatically assume the date range is INCLUSIVE. I believe most of the people of the world thinks this way. If I want to check my gains for the month of May I should not have to set the date range to 4/30. I know the program is working as written, so as the software developer you don't think it is a bug. As a user the program is giving me misleading info so I consider it a bug. Gary