Re: Gain Graph Bug
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Posted by Barry Smith on April 15, 1999 at 19:54:12:
In Reply to: Re: Gain Graph Bug posted by Gary on April 15, 1999 at 11:40:17:
: : : An investment gain graph shows incorrect gain value. : : : I brought 1000 shares of XYZ stock on 4/7 at $16.25. : : : XYZ is a new investment for me so the price data : : : also starts on 4/7. XYZ closed at 16 on 4/7. XYZ : : : closed at 15 on 4/14. So the graph should display : : : a gain of -$1250, but it displays -$1000. The program : : : is using the closing price of XYZ on 4/7 to calculate : : : the gain, which is wrong. It should use the actual : : : transaction price of 16.25. Now the reports I generate : : : gives the correct value. The XYZ.dat file did start : : : life as a FM3.4 file, and was converted to FM4.0 along : : : with all my other *.dat files. : : : Gary : : Hi Gary, : : I don't think this is a bug. I assume your : : graph date range starts at 4/7? The gain graph : : plots the difference between the closing : : value and the closing cost, so it is not including : : the gains/losses from any purchases on the start : : of the graph date. If you want it to work : : this way, start the graph date one day earlier. : : This is how reports work, there starting points are from the close of the prior day. : Hi...Mark, : Yes the graph date starts at 4/7. When I generate : a "Portfolio Performance" report with a date range : of 4/7 - 4/14 it shows a gain of -$1250. As explained : in my original posting the "Gain" graph for the date : range of 4/7 - 4/14 shows a gain of -$1000. So the : report includes transactions on 4/7 while the graph : does not. : As a user when I specify a date range I automatically : assume the date range is INCLUSIVE. I believe most : of the people of the world thinks this way. If I : want to check my gains for the month of May I should : not have to set the date range to 4/30. : I know the program is working as written, so as the : software developer you don't think it is a bug. As : a user the program is giving me misleading info so I : consider it a bug. : Gary Hi Mark There is something wrong here. The case I have is the following: I have two different portfolios with a different quantity of mutual funds in each one. However, both portfolios have the exact same funds with actual investments. Thus the portfolio value is the same for each. The portfolio value report is the same for each when viewed. However, when the portfolio value graph is viewed the written value in the top left corner is different between the two porfolios. This cannot be correct. They differ by several thousand dollars. This did not occur until the new version. Anything else I can look at to give either of us a clue as to what is going on?