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4.0 Requests for modifications

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Posted by DaveJanko on June 09, 1999 at 01:06:23:

Hi Mark,

I have noticed a few things that would make great minor improvements to the usability of 4.0.

1. The "Report Preferences" window is too tall. It drops off the bottom of the window. I need to drag it past the top just to reach the buttons. Can you make this a little smaller/shorter.

2. If you select the "Display Alternate Lines With Shading" option, the alternate lines print with shading, even if "On Color Printers Draw Background" set off. I have a black & white laser printer, and the shading comes out all hokey, so I need to reset this before I print. I like the lines in the display, however, as it makes the report easier to read.

3. The "Alert Options" window is too tall. It drops off the bottom of the window. I need to drag it past the top just to reach the buttons. Can you make this a little smaller/shorter.


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