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Re: 4.0 Requests for modifications

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Posted by Mark on June 09, 1999 at 08:45:33:

In Reply to: 4.0 Requests for modifications posted by DaveJanko on June 09, 1999 at 01:06:23:

: Hi Mark,

: I have noticed a few things that would make great minor improvements to the usability of 4.0.

: 1. The "Report Preferences" window is too tall. It drops off the bottom of the window. I need to drag it past the top just to reach the buttons. Can you make this a little smaller/shorter.

: 2. If you select the "Display Alternate Lines With Shading" option, the alternate lines print with shading, even if "On Color Printers Draw Background" set off. I have a black & white laser printer, and the shading comes out all hokey, so I need to reset this before I print. I like the lines in the display, however, as it makes the report easier to read.

: 3. The "Alert Options" window is too tall. It drops off the bottom of the window. I need to drag it past the top just to reach the buttons. Can you make this a little smaller/shorter.

: Thanks!

Hi Dave,
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like you are
running in 640 x 480 mode... #1 is fixed in 4.1,
which you can download now from the beta page.
Let me take a look at also fixing #3 for the
official 4.1 release.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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