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Re: Some funds not being updated

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Posted by Mark on June 22, 1999 at 08:47:52:

In Reply to: Some funds not being updated posted by James Deen on June 21, 1999 at 13:36:31:

: I have 5 funds and 2 stocks in my portfolio. When I try to update via Yahoo,
: 2 of the funds do not update. I know all the settings are correct, having checked them at least three times (each item is marked for Internet update), and I have gone to Yahoo and gotten current prices on the missing funds.

: Any idea what is wrong?

: Thanks
: James

: PS Terrific program!

Hi James,
Some common places to check:

1) That you have the symbol recorded correctly, as desired on the quote
server you are requesting quotes from (Yahoo, in this case it sounds like).

2) That the price is really getting updated, but you are looking at a graph
that has the end date fixed, rather than floating. You can revert a graph's
date range with "Veiw/Dates...", or some of the keyboard shortcuts, such as 'x'.
Use "Edit/All Data..." with the "Prices" data type selected, and sorting
the data by "Date" to look at what prices are actually recorded.

3) The third place you have already checked, which is to make
sure the investment properties for each investment are set to retrieve
prices for that investment.

4) Mutual funds do not have their prices changed during the middle of the
day, they only change once, usually in the evening. FM updates the price
for funds on the date specified by Yahoo, so if you are retrieving during
the middle of the day on 6/22, you are going to get the price for 6/21. You
can see this by visiting Yahoo with your browser and looking up a fund, and
noting what date the quote is specified for.

If none of these fixes the problem please let us know which symbols are
not updating, and we can give it a try.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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