Re: Some funds not being updated
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Posted by James Deen on June 22, 1999 at 13:56:45:
In Reply to: Re: Some funds not being updated posted by Mark on June 22, 1999 at 08:47:52:
PS: FM does make a record of the update attempt, but the NAV always reports the same: 29.62, which was my initial NAV. Yahoo actually reports 29.88 as of last nite 6/21/99. James : : I have 5 funds and 2 stocks in my portfolio. When I try to update via Yahoo, : : 2 of the funds do not update. I know all the settings are correct, having checked them at least three times (each item is marked for Internet update), and I have gone to Yahoo and gotten current prices on the missing funds. : : Any idea what is wrong? : : Thanks : : James : : PS Terrific program! : Hi James, : Some common places to check: : 1) That you have the symbol recorded correctly, as desired on the quote : server you are requesting quotes from (Yahoo, in this case it sounds like). : 2) That the price is really getting updated, but you are looking at a graph : that has the end date fixed, rather than floating. You can revert a graph's : date range with "Veiw/Dates...", or some of the keyboard shortcuts, such as 'x'. : Use "Edit/All Data..." with the "Prices" data type selected, and sorting : the data by "Date" to look at what prices are actually recorded. : 3) The third place you have already checked, which is to make : sure the investment properties for each investment are set to retrieve : prices for that investment. : 4) Mutual funds do not have their prices changed during the middle of the : day, they only change once, usually in the evening. FM updates the price : for funds on the date specified by Yahoo, so if you are retrieving during : the middle of the day on 6/22, you are going to get the price for 6/21. You : can see this by visiting Yahoo with your browser and looking up a fund, and : noting what date the quote is specified for. : If none of these fixes the problem please let us know which symbols are : not updating, and we can give it a try. : Thanks, : Mark : -- : Mark Beiley : : Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT : :