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Re: Portfolio Value

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Posted by Mark on July 12, 1999 at 18:55:15:

In Reply to: Portfolio Value posted by Bill Haskins on July 12, 1999 at 12:37:33:

: I just downloaded Fund Manager three days ago and I am having trouble getting the portfolio value to match my brokers statement. I have made sure to change the dates on the report to match my Brokers (ex. June 30,1999). I am only about $9 off. In some of the mutual funds I am pennies off. I have one stock that is $5 and some change off. I have looked at the all data and the info matches my Brokers. Could this be roundings errors on Price or the number of shares. Please help. I love the software and plan on registering if I can this fixed.

: Also, when calculating yields, do it calculate the exact yield for every systemtic purchase and/or dividends.

: Thanks
: Bill

Hi Bill,
It is important to make sure you record your transactions with the correct
number of shares. To figure out where things are off, use "Options/Preferences.../Display" and turn up the number of significant
digits for price and shares to 6. Then use "Edit/All Data..." to make sure
you have the same number of shares as reported on your statement. The value
on any particular day is just the closing price times the number of shares
you own. Also, from within any transaction entry dialog, choose "Help" and
then click on the help topic "Recording Transactions Without Rounding Errors"
for a discussion on the proper way to record your transactions.

The ROI yields include all of your purchases/sells/distributions. The Fund Performance yields only include the distributions. The ROI shows how well your
money did. The FP yields show how well the intrinsic investment did.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager for Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT

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