ASX server still not working[ Q2 00 - Q2 01 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Vince FitzGerald on September 03, 2000 at 02:29:25:Mark There have been various exchanges on this message board over recent weeks about the status of the ASX server. I now have version 232 of INTENG4X.DLL, and still cannot download anything from the ASX server, not even end-of-day prices only, let alone last price plus vol, hi, low as in the past. I should mention that I don't often try the server during trading hours -- mostly a few hours after close of trading. So I'm not absolutely sure about how the server functions currently DURING trading. As previously mentioned, the Yahoo Australia & NZ server seems to work fine with 'plain vanilla' stocks -- with a 3-character ASX ticker code -- but only after adding the ".AX" suffix, e.g via Edit/Investment Properties. The Yahoo Australia & NZ server extends to some of the other common types of securities based on the plain vanilla ones. The trouble is, it doesn't cover some of the other common types, including the so-called income securities (perpetual, i.e. no maturity date, securities paying a fixed margin over the Treasury Bill rate). It also doesn't seem to cover ASX indexes, at least by their ASX ticker codes (e.g. The well known 'All Ordinaries', XAO). In short, it is only a partial substitute for the ASX server. As someone pointed out on this board, there is a free ftp site ftp://www.stockwatch.com.au/pub/sez/ providing download data covering everything but indexes, but only after midnight. In short, a return to full functionality (maybe without indexes) for the ASX server via INTENG4X.DLL would be very greatly appreciated!!!! All the alternatives I am aware of have some significant deficiency. Cheers Vince FitzGerald
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