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Error "Could Not Create Internet Output Log File"

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Posted by Clive on December 23, 2003 at 15:22:49:

Hello Mark,
I had a system (Win95) crash a few days ago which resulted in a corrupt password (*.pwl) file. So, I was forced to created a new Windows login password. However, when went to retrieve prices from the internet, I received the following message:

"Could not create internet output log file 'C:\Program Files\Fund Manager\intlog.txt'

Check directory specification in registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\currentVersion\directory location"

My registry key currently reads as follows:

(default) (value not set)
autoback "C:\Program Files\FundMgr\Autoback"
newauto "C:\Program Files\Fund Manager\my_data"

Note: My copy of Fund Manager is located in "C:\Program Files\FundMgr" directory.

Now some how the registry was affected, could you suggest a remedy for this dilemma?
Additionally, I've lost my custom reports, category labels, currency settings, etc. Is there any way to recover these too?

Best regards,

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