Re: Transaction retrieve into existing investment?[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Loren on January 17, 2005 at 13:35:36:In Reply to: Re: Transaction retrieve into existing investment? posted by Mark on January 16, 2005 at 12:10:13:
: : : Fund Manager matches up investments based on symbol. It only looks in the : : If I allow FM to create new investments, I get three new files, and all three have blanks in the "Symbol" attribute. If I either do a subsequent retrieve into the portfolio with the three new investments, or change my existing investments to blank out the "Symbol", transactions for all three investments go into ONE investment file (apparently whichever one FM finds "first" with the matching/blank symbol). : : These mutual funds are not publicly traded, so they don't have normal/real trading symbols. Seems like I need FM to use more than just symbol to "disambiguate" the funds. The investment files created by FM did have different "Name" attributes, so it would seem that FM could/should match up names when symbols are ambiguous. : : P.S. I have no idea how Quicken or MS-Money handle this, but the Hewitt site provides direction for using both (which I consulted to figure out how to enter my userid into FM), so my guess is they work OK without requiring a change (for nonblank symbols) at Hewitt. : : Okay, thanks for the information. I agree that would be a good idea. I'll : Thanks, I just had the same problem with Fidelity NetBenefits. FM created new investments for all my funds and properties revealed no symbol in the symbol field, just Fidelity fund name field. Does this mean that if I change my investments to match Fidelity's names, FM will match the names on transaction retrieve when it does not find a symbol? Thanks
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