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Re: transaction retrieval

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Posted by Mark on January 31, 2005 at 10:19:02:

In Reply to: transaction retrieval posted by richard cameron on January 30, 2005 at 19:45:55:

: i am trying to download transactions for the first time from my Schwab account. I do full internet trading at Schwab and have total internet access to all Schwab features. Yet, when i try the transaction download, i get an error message "Signon Invalid (user name or password)". When i click OK, the Information Box comes up with the transmitted account number and user ID - both are correct. I have re-entered the info many times into this screen and continue to get the same error - i have done it with and without the hyphen in the account number.

: What am i doing wrong?

Hi Richard,

You may need to go online to Schwab's site, and sign up for this service. Some
brokers provide a different account number and/or password for this feature.
Fund Manager uses the same technique as Microsoft Money and Quicken do, it
retrieves from the broker's Open Financial Exchange (OFX) server. Please search
for instructions on registering to use one of those products to download your
transactions. The same set of instructions would apply for Fund Manager. I
took a quick look, but without an account, I couldn't find it on their site.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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