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Re: Same Fund in Three Portfolios

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Posted by Mark on February 10, 2005 at 11:35:29:

In Reply to: Re: Same Fund in Three Portfolios posted by Oakey on February 10, 2005 at 11:01:52:

: I'm trying, I really am.

: I now have only one .mm4 and Master Portfolio (renamed) has a number of sub-portfolios.

: The one graph (for each subportfolio) I want to look at is Overlaid Investments (Value) and in each sub-portfolio the selected investments I want to see are just the funds that happen to be in that portfolio.

: When I switch the active portfolio -- the value that is graphed is the correct value for just that sub-portfolio -- but the investments that first appear that are graphed are whatever the last set of overlaid investments happened to be. So, I'm looking at Portfolio A's value as if I had invested in the funds that are in Portfolio B.

: I know I can go Options/Overlaid Investments/check show only investments in this portfolio/then select all of the subset shown one-by-one and voila! there is the graph I want. But I have to then repeat that for each subportfolio and I'll then have to repeat it all over again for each one tomorrow when the prices get updated.

Hi Oakey,

The "Portfolio / Investments Overlay" graph type does not utilize the "Active"
portfolio. I didn't realize that was the graph type you were using. This
graph type overlays the portfolios and investments that you specify
under "Graphs / Options / Overlaid Portfolios... and Overlaid Investments...".

Fund Manager will remember your selections for overlaid portfolios and
overlaid investments, but it only remembers one set. If you want to
have sub-port A overlaid with all investments in that sub-port, and then
also sub-port B overlaid with all its investments, you would need to either
re-choose these each time, or you could use multiple portfolio files (*.mm4)
to remember the preferred overlaid settings for each case. If you want
to do the multiple portfolio files (*.mm4) you can just change the overlay
options to what you want, and then do a "File / Save Portfolio As...".
Each one of your portfolio files will contain all your sub-portfolios, they
would just vary by preference of what ports/investments you want to overlay.
This will be more difficult to maintain because whenever you add/change
an investment you will need to modify all the portfolio files, instead of
just one. To switch portfolio files you would use the "File / Open Portfolio..."

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003


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