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Re: V7.x ROI

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Posted by Cliff on March 04, 2005 at 20:35:27:

In Reply to: Re: V7.x ROI posted by Mark on March 04, 2005 at 20:21:23:

: : Hello Mark,
: : I have this issue too. It occurs when I do a "custom" portfolio report, but not on a "ROI" portfolio report. Everything seems fine on the "ROI" report; I get "N/A" if a ROI is not applicable. I checked the interpolation range, and I have both boxes unchecked, with the "step" box checked.
: : Even when I play around, checking and unchecking the boxes, placing different amount of days in the enforce max. interpolation range, I still don't get the "n/a" when it should apply.
: : Again, this happens on the "custom" portfolio report. All is fine on the graphs and on the "roi" portfolio report.
: : Thanks,

: Hi Fred,

: On the custom report, which fields are you using? Any of the ROI yields in particular? Is the custom report showing the yield for an investment, symbol, investment type, asset type, investment goal, or a sub-portfolio? Or, does it do it for all of these types?

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003


My custom report uses investment name, inv inception, end value, symbol, end shares, end %port, ROI (3m), ROI(6m), ROI (1y), ROI (3y), ROI (5y), ROI (btw). Report show ROI yield for an investment. Where it should be NA it has the same value ROI yield as the shorter period (where I had the investment for the full period). So, if I held an investment for only 1 year the 1 year ROI is shown for 3 and 5 ROI also. And "Allow Interpolation Prior to First Recorded Price" is unchecked.


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