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Re: problems retrieving transactions

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Posted by Tom on June 21, 2005 at 15:07:40:

In Reply to: Re: problems retrieving transactions posted by Mark on June 21, 2005 at 13:46:49:

: : I am a new user of FM and find it very useful. However, now I have lost some ability to automatically retrieve new transactions correctly. I set up a portfolio to represent one Fidelity account. The FM portfolio has three sub-portfolios, one each for stocks, stock mutual funds, and bonds. Originally I set up the data using transaction retrieval into one portfolio - retrieval worked well for this. Then I separated the investments into the three portfolios and I am having trouble.

: : If I issue 'retrieve transactions' with the portfolio marked as the active portfolio I can see that there are three separate calls to Fidelity and three returns. The only thing that shows up on the preview screen is a single dividend re-investment, but that is already in one of the sub-portfolios.

: : If I mark one of the sub-portfolios as the active portfolio and retrieve transactions, nothing shows on the preview scree. However, if I look at ofxretr.txt at least one purchase and multiple distributions are listed there.

: : Could it be that FM is getting confused about which sub-portfolio to check to see if the entry in ofxretr is for an investment in that sub-portfolio?

: : What do you suggest I do? Thank you for any help. Since I am a new user, I may have overlooked the obvious.

: : PS - Is there a viewer for ofxretr? As a text file it is unreadable. Viewed as an XML file it is readable with difficulty.

: Hi Tom,

: The easy question first... Please email us a request for our parsing tool by using our contact form:


: We do have a simple command line tool that will make reading this ofxretr.txt file easier. It really isn't a production tool, just something we use internally. I'd be happy to email it to you.

: To your main question... When you split apart your single portfolio, did you retain the same account number and transaction retrieve settings for each of the 3 sub-portfolios? The "Active" portfolio does not matter when retrieving. When you retrieve the first choice along the top is "Portfolio To Retrieve". This can be any of your portfolios, and there is also an option "Also Retrieve All Sub-Portfolios".

: It sounds like you have one account, and 3 sub-portfolios, so you would want to set up each sub-portfolio to do it's own retrieve. When looking for matching investments Fund Manager does not go down into sub-portfolios, it only looks in the portfolio which it is retrieving.

: When you look at the ofxretr.txt that is only showing the last portfolio retrieved. If you have the "Also Retrieve All Sub-Portfolios" option on, you may be retrieving multiple portfolios. If you see some transactions in the ofxretr.txt file, but they don't appear in the preview screen, then it is because of the options used for the retrieve. It could either be out of the date range you requested, or there was no matching investment found, and you had the option turned off to automatically create new investments, or those transactions are already recorded, and you have the option to skip transactions already in Fund Manager turned on.

: There are a lot of options on the retrieve dialog, and it can be a little tricky sometimes to get them all set how you want. Hopefully some of this explanation helps.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

Mark, Thank you for the exceptionally quick reply. I still have the problem. Here is some additional data.

1. The ofxretr.txt file seems to contain all the transactions. From what I have seen it matches the report I can get directly from Fidelity for the account there.

2. In FM I have three sub-portfolios: stocks, MF and bonds. All of them have the same account number and password. I performed a 'retrieve transactions' for the dates 6/1 - 6/21/2005 for each of the sob-portfolios and once for the entire portfolio. In each case I did not check the box to skip transactions already in an FM investment, so that I could see more of what was returned. No matter which sub-portfolio I specified I get the same three entries in the preview screen - distributions for TGT, PEO and MSFT - all of which actually happened in the time period. When I retrieved for the whole portfolio I got three instances of each of the three distributions.

What I fail to see in the preview screen is a BUY transaction for FINPX and four distributions for it. They are in the ofxretr.txt file.

When I specify the check box to skip transactions already in an FM investment, then the preview screen does not contain the transaction for MSFT or TGT. However, it does contain the transaction for PEO, even though that transaction is already recorded in the stock sub-portfolio.

When I use reports or graphs I seem to have no confusion about what is in a sub-portfolio e.g. reports subtotal on the subportfolios correctly.

What exactly does FM use to determine if an OFX transaction pertains to the portfolio for which transactions are being retrieved? Perhaps I have done something to mess this up inadvertently.

Thanks for your offer of the utility - I will send a note. And thanks for working me through this.


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