Re: Transaction history from fidelity[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Eddie on August 04, 2005 at 12:24:00:In Reply to: Re: Transaction history from fidelity posted by Mark on August 04, 2005 at 11:59:38:
I have 5 years of transactions I still need to download. I am having difficulty importing them from a spreadsheet. I format the excell file to the specifications and have repeatedly tried to match the format input to the data. It always tells me that one or more files is not included. I have the portfolio on MSN money portfolio but I can't figure out how to export all the transactions. And I can't inport the transactions that do export. : : Okay, so I tried it again today and was able to download correct transactions. I had two problems: I can only download transactions from 5/6/05 to present. Even if I specify the date ranges, I don't recieve any new transactions. : : The limitation on how far back you can retrieve is set by Fidelity here. Different brokers/fund companies make different amounts of historical transactions available. It is not unusual that they only make the last 60 - 90 days worth of transactions available. So, even though you request more, they'll only ever provide the most recent transactions. : If you have doubled your transactions you can either delete them manually with the Data Register (Edit / All Data...) using the "Investments (all)" data type, or you could delete the whole investment file, and start over by re-retrieving. : Thanks,
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