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Organising .dat files

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Posted by Gary Wilson on August 14, 2005 at 19:16:39:

I run Fund Manager on my iMac (Tiger O/S) via an emulator (Virtual PC). Maybe the only guy in the World doing this? ;-) It has operated pretty satisfactorily until a few days ago when a handful of .dat files became unreadable. I suspect this was because of a faulty shut down of Virtual PC. My problem was compounded because I do an auto-backup at the end of each session - and this back up seems to have copied/duplicated the unreadable files. Fortunately, I did have some not too dated other back up files on another drive which means I have been saved from a massive reconstruction exercise. My issue now is that my "Master Portfolio" is now scattered over two drives. Is there any way I can bring these data files all into the one location?

In passing I did note that auto-back up requires constant checking as even when using a PC I found that auto back up was not working - or the location of the backup files would revert to the "default location". I guess it highlights I should check this more often - and obviously no harm to do a regular manual back up. ;-)

In any case can you offer any suggestions re 1st matter - or do I need to mannualy delete bad files & copy & paste "good" ones from other drive?

BTW Fund Manager is great - nothing comes close to FM in the Mac World.


Gary Wilson

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