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Re: entering stock bought with us$, listed in c$

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Posted by jeffrey on September 30, 2005 at 23:40:38:

In Reply to: Re: entering stock bought with us$, listed in c$ posted by Mark on September 30, 2005 at 17:02:39:

: : :

: : : : i suppose a workarount could be to enter the buys/sells without the stock being in a portfolio, while entering the subtractions/additions to the core money account manually.

: : :
: : : Hi Jeffrey,

: : : You could enter the buys/sells in can$, and keep the investment all in can$ for both transactions and prices. If your default cash account is in us$, the appropriate conversion will be made (based on your currency settings) to debit/credit the default cash account for the correct amount. For example, if you buy 1,000 can$ in this stock, and your exchange rate for can$ to us$ is 0.9, the default cash account in us$ will be debited $900 us$.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: : :

: : good. where can i get info on setting up? and keeping the exchange rate current? ihave tried doing it myself, setting the stock currency to "c", but it doesn't seem to work. amount didn't get converted in cash account. also, the commission is paid and listed in us$. so the buy screen will show pr/sh in can$ and commission in us$.

: For more info on setting up currencies, see "Options / Currency Settings..." and select the "Help" button, or go here:


: I'd suggest recording everything (including commission) for a given investment in the same currency. This is what FM is expecting.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

i have worked on this for a couple of hours now. i have had to enter historical exchange rates for can. manually (obtained from since yahoo historical gave an error message. plus all the various (yes, different from different places, the rate from yahoo for today differed from the one given by oanda) don't give convert to the numbers that are in fact being entered in my broker's account. at this point i have to say that trying to use conversion is not working for me. seems like it is best to use the work around mentioned earlier. maybe i'll figure out how to make this work (assuming that there is a way) at another time.

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