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Re: Portfolio opening speed

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Posted by Chuck on December 13, 2005 at 18:21:43:

In Reply to: Re: Portfolio opening speed posted by Mark on December 13, 2005 at 15:08:52:

All the data comes off the hard drive in my laptop. The wifi card is only used to connect to a data server for the data downloads. I've been a long time user of Fund Manager (v4 I think) and I don't recall this problem before. It really became noticable after the v7 upgrade, and that's when I originally commented on it. The delay in opening portfolios isn't really a problem with operation. It's more annoying than anything.

So if you can't duplicate the problem I guess I'll live with it. It's been a reliable program over the years and I have a load of data in it. I'm sorry to use this message board as a bug reporting forum, but you don't seem to have another channel for bug reports.

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