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Re: Tracking Numerous Stocks, etc.

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Posted by Mark on October 04, 1999 at 17:34:56:

In Reply to: Tracking Numerous Stocks, etc. posted by K. J. R. Grimes on October 04, 1999 at 13:32:13:

: If I decide to purchase your Fund Manager software, I would need to track stocks, mutual funds, etc., in my clients portfolio. Will I be able to track an unlimited amount of securities with this software?

Yes. You can track as many investments/portfolios as you would like.
The only limitation is that you can only have up to 500 investments open
at any one time. If you are tracking investments for clients, usually
you would want to create an investment for each stock/fund that
a particular client holds, and then create a portfolio for that client
to put all these investments into. You can then also create a master
portfolio, for all the investments of all your clients, and then
use this portfolio for price updates. This way you can update all
prices with a single retrieve.


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