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500 investment limit

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Posted by Brian on October 04, 1999 at 20:53:52:

In Reply to: Re: Tracking Numerous Stocks, etc. posted by Mark on October 04, 1999 at 17:34:56:

: : If I decide to purchase your Fund Manager software, I would need to track stocks, mutual funds, etc., in my clients portfolio. Will I be able to track an unlimited amount of securities with this software?

: Yes. You can track as many investments/portfolios as you would like.
: The only limitation is that you can only have up to 500 investments open
: at any one time. If you are tracking investments for clients, usually
: you would want to create an investment for each stock/fund that
: a particular client holds, and then create a portfolio for that client
: to put all these investments into. You can then also create a master
: portfolio, for all the investments of all your clients, and then
: use this portfolio for price updates. This way you can update all
: prices with a single retrieve.

: Thanks,
: Mark

Hi Mark,

Sorry to jump in. I saw your mention of 500 investment limit per portfolio and have been wondering about this for a while.

Is the 500 limit a restriction of Microsoft or FM? The reason I ask is because many folks have account at Fund Supermarkets and have watchlists of well over 500 funds. Myself, I have a few "ALLx" portfolios that I use to download daily quotes. Each one is around 400 investments. No big deal, but it would be a lot easier if I could combine them into just one portfolio.



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