TD Ameritrade to Schwab Account Number Conversion
Advisors who have been importing from TD Ameritrade Institutional will have their account numbers changed as accounts move to Schwab.
This change is scheduled to happen over the weekend of September 2-4, 2023.
Once the accounts move, Advisors will need to update their account numbers in Fund Manager and start importing from Schwab's "B/D Core Data Files".
To help with the account number change, Schwab will make available a mapping file that Fund Manager can use to change all appropriate account numbers.
This mapping file has the extension of *.MXR, and will be delivered via Schwab's data file feed.
To convert your account numbers from TD numbers to Schwab numbers in Fund Manager, follow these steps:
- Make sure you are using Fund Manager Advisor version 2022.17.6 or later. See
"Help / About...".
- If your portfolio is not already open, open it, and then use "File
/ File Operations / Convert TDAI to Schwab Account Numbers . . .".
Browse to select the .MXR mapping file to use, select the "convert direction" of "TDAI -> Schwab", and choose "Convert".
You will be informed of how many account numbers were converted.
- Save your portfolio with "File / Save Portfolio".
It is not necessary to use this mapping file if you would prefer
to manually edit your account numbers. From within the Portfolio
Editor, right mouse click on any sub-portfolio, and choose
"Properties..." to edit the account number.
After the accounts are moved to Schwab, residual transactions may continue to happen on the TDAI platform for up to 90 days.
These residual transactions can be transactions such as trailing dividends, and will be provided by the TDAI platform.
You can either manually enter these residual transactions, or if you prefer to import them, use the same account conversion tool described above, but choose to convert your
account numbers with the "convert direction" of "Schwab -> TDAI", prior to importing your TDAI *.TRN transaction files.
After importing residual transaction files, convert the account numbers again back to Schwab's with "TDAI -> Schwab".
If your database contains any symbols that changed with the TDAI to Schwab move, use "Edit / Symbol List..." to globally change any such symbols.