How to track Expense Ratio and Expense Cost:
You can track expense ratio by using one of the custom investment
properties. First, go to "Options / Custom Investment
Properties..." and define one of the available custom fields to a name
Expense Ratio
with a type of "Number" and a "Combination Method" of "Weighted Average"
and decimals "2". Next, go to each of your investments, and under
"Investment Properties... / Custom" enter the expense ratio for each
investment. For example, if the expense ratio is 0.75%, enter
You can then report on the expense ratio in either the Portfolio Editor,
or a Custom report. To get this expense into a value based number
in a Custom report, define a user-defined field with the equation:
The "User-Defined..." button is in the bottom/left of the "Custom
Settings" dialog where you choose which fields to add to your Custom
report. This user-defined field feature is available in the
Professional and Advisor versions, but not the Personal version.
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