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How do I find the number of shares of a particular security owned by each client?

You can find either the total number of shares owned by each client, or you can find a listing of all open lots.

To find the total number of shares owned, create a Portfolio Value or Custom report, and turn on the filter, so that you filter by Symbol, and choose the symbol of the security in question.  To set a filter, press the "Filter..." button from within the Report Settings dialog.  If you choose a Custom report, you can also display the "Owner" and "Account of parent portfolio" columns to easily identify the owner and account numbers.  For the Owner field to be displayed you must define your clients using the Client List dialog, and assign each client to a sub-portfolio.

To find all the open lots of a particular security for each client, create an Open Lots report and filter by symbol.  To identify which account/owner is associated with each lot, turn on the "Sub-portfolio" and "Account #" columns using "Options / Report Preferences... / Open Lots".

To see example of such reports, click here.

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