Download transactions and reconcile from Vanguard
Currently Vanguard is not allowing automatic retrieval of transactions/positions from Fund Manager, but you can still download/import this data.
Importing Transactions
- Download a .QFX file from the "Download Center" on Vanguard's website.
On the "Activity" tab along top there is a link to "Download Center" in the upper/right of that page.
For the download format, choose the "Quicken" format.
Choose the date range and select all the desired accounts.
It will download to a single .QFX file for all your accounts.
- Import the .QFX file into Fund Manager using "File / Import / Transactions / Open Financial Exchange (*.OFX, *.QFX)".
(If you have associated Fund Manager with the .QFX extension you can also just double click on the .QFX file.)
Select the file you downloaded, choose all accounts, all dates, and make sure it is set to import into FM portfolio "With Matching Account Number as OFX Account".
Usually you would leave on the option to skip transactions already in FM, and create new investments as needed.
- Open the Reconciliation Wizard and choose the account to reconcile (or right mouse click on a sub-portfolio, and choose "Reconcile...")
- For the "Reconciliation Statement Source" choose "Open Financial Exchange File (*.OFX, *.QFX)".
Browse to the .QFX file you downloaded from Vanguard's Download Center.
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