Importing Positions from Southwest Securities


This dialog is available from the File / Import / Positions / Southwest Securities... menu command.


Position data can be imported from Southwest Securities.  Transaction, pricing and position data can be downloaded from Southwest Securities.  You will be able to download transaction activity (BPS_Act_<xx>_mmdd.rpt) and position (BPS_POS_<xx>_mmdd.rpt) files.  You can import these BPS_POS_<xx>_mmdd.rpt position files into Fund Manager using this command.


Video Tutorial:  See the Tutorial on Importing Position/Transaction Files.


BPS_POS File to Import

Select which BPS_POS_xx_mmyy.rpt file to import.

Accounts to Import

Choose whether to import all accounts in the selected file, or only a particular account.  Use the "Scan BPS_POS" button to fill in the list of available accounts in the importing file.

Import Options

Choose options for creating the new investments.

Choose whether to import all positions into a new sub-portfolio:

When this option is on, type the name of the new sub-portfolio where all the positions will be placed.  No existing sub-portfolios will be modified in this case.  When importing positions for reconciliation purposes, you should import into a new sub-portfolio.

When this option is off, Fund Manager will look through your existing sub-portfolios to try and find a match based on account number.  If no matching account number is found, the new sub-portfolio will be created at the top level of the portfolio hierarchy.  If a matching sub-portfolio is found, the positions will be updated in there.  When the sub-portfolio is already existing, Fund Manager will look for matching investments in that sub-portfolio based on symbol.  If an existing investment match could not be found, a new investment will be created.


Press the "Next" button after filling in all of the above fields.  The importing file will be read in, and you will be taken to the Preview Importing Positions page to see what transactions will be imported.


Important Note on Cost Basis:

When importing positions there is no cost basis data available.  Therefore, all positions will be created with a cost basis of zero.  To adjust the cost basis, use the Data Register and edit the initial purchase price and value.

See Also

Importing Positions

Importing Southwest Securities Transactions

Importing Southwest Securities Prices

Importing Transactions

Retrieving Transactions

Preview Importing Positions Dialog

Tutorial on Importing Position/Transaction Files


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