Retrieving PricesSee Also: Retrieving Prices Video Tutorial The Price
Internet Retrieve feature in Fund Manager is one of the
most popular and time-saving features. This feature
allows you to quickly and easily update the prices for
all your investments. This feature is available as the
menu command Edit / Internet Retrieve / Prices...,
or from the toolbar with the
In addition to retrieving prices, Fund Manager can retrieve transactions directly from your broker or mutual fund company. For more on this, see Retrieving Transactions. Fund Manager can retrieve prices from a wide variety of quote servers. Select the default server with Edit / Internet Retrieve / Settings.... If you track investments from multiple exchanges, you can assign unique quote servers to different investments under Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve. You can also use command line arguments to perform unattended price updates. The following quote servers are supported by the current version of Fund Manager: Fund Manager uses the recorded ticker symbol to request price quotes from each of these servers. If you are uncertain of the ticker symbol for a particular investment you can go to each of these sites (by clicking on the links above) and do a ticker lookup. For some of the unique investments, such as indexes, each server may utilize its own symbol, so you may need to look up the symbol for the particular server you choose to use for retrieving prices. The list of supported servers can change over time. Fund Manager has the ability to automatically update the list of supported servers and the retrieve functionality. By choosing Edit / Internet Retrieve / Check for Updates... from the menu within Fund Manager the latest server status can be obtained. This will also cause Fund Manager to check for any updates to the internet retrieve functionality. If an update is available you will be given the opportunity to automatically download the update. The current Quote Module version number in use is available under Help / About... from within Fund Manager. Server Specific InformationSpecific instructions and details for using each of the following servers are provided. Association of Mutual Funds in India:This site updates the closing price using the quote date specified by the server. Enter the "Scheme code" (usually a 6 digit number) for the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Boerse Berlin - Bonds:This server provides closing prices for a wide variety of international bonds. Prices are updated for the last trade date specified by the server. Enter the ISIN of your bonds as the symbol in Fund Manager to retrieve them from this server. Visit Boerse Berlin with your web browser to see if they offer the bond quotes you need and verify the ISIN. Boerse Stuttgart:This server updates the most recent pricing information for the date specified by the server. Many international stock and bond quotes are available. Visit Boerse Stuttgart to look up required symbol to use in Fund Manager. The symbol to use is everything after "/en/products/" in the URL. For example, the Deutsche Bank URL is: https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/en/products/equities/stuttgart/514000-dt-bank, so the symbol to record in Fund Manager would be: equities/stuttgart/514000-dt-bank. In the event the symbol is longer than the allowed 49 characters, you can replace "equities/stuttgart/" with "e*" or replace "bonds/stuttgart/" with "b*". In this example, the symbol would be recorded as: e*514000-dt-bank. When the symbol is longer than 49 characters you can also split it up between the "Symbol" and "Description" investment properties when using Fund Manager 2020 or later. To do this, enter a "+" at the beginning of the Description and everything after that will be added to the Symbol when requesting a quote. Canada Stockwatch:This server provides daily close, high, low, open, and volume for Canadian stock and mutual funds. The quotes are updated in Fund Manager for the date specified by this server. This server also offers prices from US exchanges. For a list of the available quotes and to look up the ticker symbols go here. Canada Stockwatch (3M Historical):This server provides daily historical close, high, low, open, and volume for Canadian stock and mutual funds for the last 3 months. For a list of the available quotes and to look up the ticker symbols go here. CoinGeckoThis server provides current prices for cryptocurrencies. Prices are updated as of the default date. Visit CoinGecko to look up symbols used by this server. The symbol can be found either in the URL or by looking at the "id" value in the complete list of available coins. Use the "id" value as your symbol in Fund Manager (not the "symbol" value). For example, the quote for Bitcoin is at the URL: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bitcoin so the symbol to use in Fund Manager is "bitcoin". By default, prices are updated in USD, however you can change this to update in other currencies. To change the quote to be referenced to a different currency add a registry value at: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\Internet Retr" where you add a string value named "coingecko_currency" (without the quotes) and set it to the desired reference currency. See the full list of available reference currencies here. Cyprus Stock Exchange:This server updates close, high, low, open, and volume for the default date. Quotes from the "Regulated Market" are available from this server. FastTrack, FastTrack (Adjusted Historical), and FastTrack (Historical):FastTrack servers offer a wide variety of mutual funds, ETFs, indexes, and stocks. Pricing includes close, open, high, low, and volume. The regular "FastTrack" server updates pricing for the 7 most recent days. The "FastTrack (Historical)" server updates with actual closing prices, where the "FastTrack (Adjusted Historical)" server updates with distribution adjusted closing prices. To use any of the FastTrack quote servers you must first sign up for a free (or paid) FT Cloud account. You will receive a Data Export Token when you sign up. Visit their website to sign up. Once you have your token, enter this into Fund Manager under "Options / Internet Settings..." by selecting any FastTrack server as a quote server and then pressing the "FastTrack Token..." button. You do not need to leave FastTrack set as a default quote server, but you must at least temporarily select FastTrack in order to enter your token. A big benefit of this server is the speed, as up to 50 symbols can be retrieved at once, so this server is very fast. Another benefit is the extensive adjusted historical pricing available. FastTrack offers both free and paid plans. The optional paid subscription is through FastTrack and is not related to Beiley Software or your Fund Manager license. Financial Times - Equities:This server provides the current pricing for a wide variety of equities from around the world. For a list of the available quotes and to look up the ticker symbols go here. This server only retrieves quotes from the "Equities" section of this server, and the price is updated for the date specified by the server. Financial Times - Funds (1M Historical):This server provides daily historical pricing for a wide variety of funds for the last 1 month. For a list of the available quotes and to look up the ticker symbols go here. This server only retrieves quotes from the "Funds" section of this server. Finra - Bonds:This server updates bond pricing for the last trade date specified by the server. Visit the Finra - Bonds website to look up the "CUSIP" value for your bond. Record the bond's CUSIP as the symbol property of your Fund Manager bond investment in order to retrieve from this server. For tips on bond prices, please see the bond pricing FAQ. FondsCheck and FondsCheck (Historical):These servers provide both current and historical quotes for a wide variety of stocks, funds, exchange rates, indices, options, and ETFs. To use this server, visit www.fondscheck.de to find the value of "secu" for the item you wish to retrieve and record this as your symbol in Fund Manager. The "secu" value is shown in the URL of the page displaying historical prices for the item in question. To get to the historical prices page, click on "Kurse" at the bottom of the item's page, and then "Hist. Kurse". For example the fund "BGF World Mining Fund A2 EUR" with an ISIN of LU0172157280 has a "secu" of 197748. You would record 197748 as your symbol in Fund Manager. Fund Manager also supports the case where an item uses "list" instead of "secu", which is the case for some indices. In this case record the symbol with "list=" at the beginning. For example, consider DAX (ISIN: DE0008469008). This historical price page shows "list=dax" in the URL, so you would record the symbol in Fund Manager as list=dax. Advanced: It is usually not necessary, but you can specify the exchange of your item by appending ";<#>" to the end of your Fund Manager symbol, where <#> is the exchange number. You can find this number by looking at the source of their historical prices page and searching for "boerse_id". For example the fund "BGF World Mining Fund A2 EUR" with an ISIN of LU0172157280 and a "secu" of 197748 is from the "Fonds Frankfurt" exchange. This exchange has a value of 85 as viewed in the page's source. You could record your symbol as either 197748 or 197748;85. It doesn't seem necessary to record the exchange as part of your symbol, but if you come across a case where there is a secu conflict you can make use of this advanced feature to specify the exchange. Fund Library (Canadian Mutuals):This server provides daily closing prices on Canadian mutual funds, stocks, and ETFs. Visit Fund Library to look up the investment you wish to retrieve. Record everything after "Detail/" in the URL as your symbol in Fund Manager. When the symbol is longer than 49 characters you can split it up between the "Symbol" and "Description" investment properties. To do this, enter a "+" at the beginning of the Description and everything after that will be added to the Symbol when requesting a quote. The "investment type" must also be assigned properly for your investments. Here are some examples:
marketstack and marketstack (Historical):These servers provide both the most recent end of day and historical quotes for a wide variety of stocks. These servers update close, open, high, low, and volume for a wide variety of stocks (no mutual funds though). Before using a marketstack server you must sign up for a free (or paid) account with marketstack and obtain a "marketstack API Key". You can sign up here. Once you have your marketstack API Key, enter this into Fund Manager under "Options / Internet Settings..." by selecting either marketstack server as a quote server and then pressing the "marketstack API Key..." button. You do not need to leave marketstack set as a default quote server, but you must at least temporarily select marketstack in order to enter your marketstack API Key. A big benefit of this server is the speed, as up to 100 symbols can be retrieved at once, so this server is very fast. You can search for the available stock symbols here. marketstack offers both free and paid plans if you need more quota. The optional paid subscription is through marketstack and is not related to Beiley Software or your Fund Manager license. Morningstar AU - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the default date. Visit the Morningstar AU website to look up the ID value used by Morningstar AU for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The ID is shown in the last part of the URL (after the last "/") of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund "Katana Australian Equity Fund" with a security ID of "KKTA0002AU" has an ID of 41070. Enter 41070 as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar BE - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar BE website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar BE for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of BE0949074265 has an "id" value of F00000GX2F. The id value of F00000GX2F is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar CH - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar CH website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar CH for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund "Acatis Aktien Global Fonds D" has an "id" value of F00000LP8J. The id value of F00000LP8J is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar CL - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar CL website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar CL for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund "Fondo Mutuo BCI Competitivo AP" has an "id" value of F000013FG9. The id value of F000013FG9 is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar DE - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar DE website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar DE for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of GB0030938145 has an "id" value of F0GBR06IBG. The id value of F0GBR06IBG is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar ES - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar ES website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar ES for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of LU0995386439 has an "id" value of F00000T4PS. The id value of F00000T4PS is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar FI - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar FI website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar FI for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund.. Morningstar FR - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar FR website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar FR for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of LU0034463017 has an "id" value of F0GBR04P99. The id value of F0GBR04P99 is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar IT - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar IT website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar IT for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of LU0922333322 has an "id" value of F00000PWXI. The id value of F00000PWXI is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar NL - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar NL website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar NL for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund "ACATIS Datini Valueflex Fund A" with an ISIN of DE000A0RKXJ4 has an "id" value of F000002FR8. The id value of F000002FR8 is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar SE - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar SE website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar SE for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of SE0000621393 has a "id" value of F0GBR04FXO. The id value of F0GBR04FXO is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar TH - Funds:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar TH website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar TH for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of TH1086010002 has an "id" value of F000000RR2. The id value of F000000RR2 is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Morningstar UK - Unit Trusts:This server updates fund prices for the date specified by the server. Visit the Morningstar UK website to look up the "id" value used by Morningstar UK for your fund, and enter this as the symbol in Fund Manager. The "id" is shown in the URL of the page displaying your fund. For example, the fund with an ISIN of LU0297941469 has an "id" value of F000000F1L. The id value of F000000F1L is what you would enter as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. NZX - Bonds:This server provides current quotes for bonds on the NZX market. Visit NZX to look up the "code" for your bonds and record this code as the symbol in Fund Manager to retrieve from this server. Prices are updated for the default date. Quandl and Quandl (Historical):These servers provide both current and historical quotes for a wide variety of investments. Before using a Quandl server you must sign up for a free account with Quandl and obtain a "Quandle API Key". You can sign up here. Once you have your Quandl API Key, enter this into Fund Manager under "Options / Internet Settings..." by selecting either Quandl server as a quote server and then pressing the "Quandle API Key..." button. You do not need to leave Quandl set as a default quote server, but you must at least temporarily select Quandl in order to enter your Quandl API Key. To use this server, enter the "Quandl Code" as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. You can browse the available quotes here. For example "WIKI/INTC" is the Quandl Code and thus the symbol you would enter to retrieve the price for Intel. This code is using their WIKI database, and you can choose from any of the databases you have access to. Quandl offers a variety of free databases as well as premium databases you would need to subscribe in order to access. This optional premium subscription is through Quandl and is not related to Beiley Software or your Fund Manager license. Advanced: Quandl offers a variety of data, besides closing prices. You can enter your symbol in the format <Quandl Code>:<CSV column> to import data from the specified column number of their CSV download format. Column 0 is the date. For example, the Quandl code LBMA/GOLD offers the price of an ounce of gold. Downloading the CSV file shows the first field is the date, then the USD (am) price, followed by the USD (pm) price. To download the USD (pm) price, record the symbol in Fund Manager as: LBMA/GOLD:2 You may need to record your symbol in this format if Fund Manager does not update the price with the desired data. Fund Manager tries to be smart and figure out which column of data to use for the update, but not all data is returned the same from this server, so in the cases where the wrong data field is being used, record the column index as part of the symbol. Sharenet:This server provides daily close, high, low, and volume for a wide variety of stocks and indices from JSE in South Africa. The data is updated for the date specified by the server. To use this server, record the "scode" value shown in the URL and on the quote page for a particular stock or index. For example, the JSE All Share index uses the scode value of J203, which is what you would record for your investment in Fund Manager. To get historical prices from this server you can subscribe to their service, download historical prices in CSV format, and import them with the generic price import command in Fund Manager. Stooq:Stooq (Adjusted Historical):Stooq (Historical):These servers are very fast and provide daily close, open, high, low, and volume for a wide variety of stocks, indices, currencies, cryptocurrencies, and economic indicators. The regular "Stooq" server updates the latest end-of-day pricing. The "Stooq (Historical)" server updates with actual closing prices, where the "Stooq (Adjusted Historical)" server updates with split and distribution adjusted closing prices. To use this server, record the symbol in Fund Manager as displayed on the Stooq website. Swiss Quote:This server provides daily close, high, low, open, and volume from the Zurich stock exchange. It also provides daily close for mutual funds. The quotes are updated in Fund Manager for the date specified by this server. To use this server, the symbol must be recorded in Fund Manager as <ISIN>/<exchange ID>_<currency>. You can see this in the last part of the URL on the Swissquote website. Here are some examples:
Thrift Savings Plan:This server provides daily historical closing prices for the investment funds for approximately the last 25 trading days. Record the investment symbols in Fund Manager as shown in the header row of the table here. For example: L Income, L 2025, L 2030, L 2035, L 2040, L 2045, L 2050, L 2055, L 2060, L 2065, G Fund, F Fund, C Fund, S Fund, I Fund. Tiingo, Tiingo (Adjusted Historical), and Tiingo (Historical):Tiingo servers offer a wide variety of stock, ETF, and mutual fund end-of-day prices. The regular "Tiingo" server updates the latest end-of-day pricing. The "Tiingo (Historical)" server updates with actual closing prices, where the "Tiingo (Adjusted Historical)" server updates with split and distribution adjusted closing prices. To use any of the Tiingo quote servers you must first sign up for a Tiingo account. Their free "Starter" plan offers a generous amount of access, but for greater access you can purchase their paid "Power" plan. You will receive an API Token when you sign up for any plan. Visit their pricing page to view the plan details and sign up. In the "Tingo API" section you can see how many unique symbols and requests can be made per plan. You can also monitor your account usage on their website by going to your account and then look under the "API / Usage" section. Once you have your API Token, enter this into Fund Manager under "Options / Internet Settings..." by selecting any Tiingo server as a quote server and then pressing the "Tiingo Token..." button. You do not need to leave Tiingo set as a default quote server, but you must at least temporarily select Tiingo in order to enter your token. A big benefit of this server is the speed, as this server is very fast. Another benefit is the extensive adjusted historical pricing available. To find information on which symbols are available, and how they're recorded, please see section 1.1.5 Symbology in their documentation. The optional paid subscription is through Tiingo and is not related to Beiley Software or your Fund Manager license. US Treasury:This server updates closing prices for US Treasuries. Visit the US Treasury website to look up the CUSIP, and record this as the symbol in your Fund Manager investment. Prices are updated for the prior business day (most recent business day, prior to the current date). Yahoo:Yahoo - Argentina:Yahoo - Australia & New Zealand:
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