Fund Manager
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Transferring Fund Manager To A New Computer

Follow these steps to transfer your Fund Manager data to a new computer:

  1. From your old computer, open your portfolio and ensure all your data is stored in a single folder by using "File / File Operations / Set Data Location..."
  2. From your old computer, make a backup using "File / Backup..."
  3. Download and run the installation program on your new computer
  4. Copy the backup file (*.FMB) from step #2 to your new computer, and use "File / Restore..." to select this file for restore
  5. In the "Restore" dialog that comes up, choose the option to "Restore Everything in Backup"
  6. Choose to restore to a "Specified Folder" and "Browse..." to select a folder.  A good location is "Libraries \ Documents \ My Documents \ Fund Manager".
  7. Choose the "Open Restored Portfolio" option
  8. Press the "Restore" button to perform the restore

If you are using a version of Fund Manager that is earlier than 12.0, see the old version instructions. | Search | Site Map | About Us | Privacy Policy