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Importing From PortfolioCenter

Follow these steps to export from PortfolioCenter, and import into Fund Manager:

  1. Export your transactions from PortfolioCenter
  2. Use the provided Excel template to translate the export
  3. Import into Fund Manager with the Generic transaction import

1)  Start PortfolioCenter and open up your accounts.  If you have multiple accounts, you must export transactions for each account separately.  Go to "Transaction Detail Reports / Transaction Ledger / Settings... / Columns..." and add the following columns, in this order:

Trade Date
Activity (Set Format... column width to 25)
All Fees

Click "Run Report..." to create this report, and then click the "Save" button and save to the format "Comma delimited (*.csv)".  In the next dialog that comes up use the settings:

Field delimter: ,
Character to enclose text fields: "
Enclose numeric fields: OFF
Remove comma from numbers: ON

Assign the exported data a filename and complete the save.

2)  Download this Excel template.  Use Excel to open up the CSV file from step #1 and this template.  Copy/paste the data from your exported data over the sample data in the template's "PC Export" sheet.  Enter the symbol of your cash account(s) into the hilighted cells on the "Mappings" sheet.  Switch to the "FM Import" sheet and choose "File / Save As...".  Select the CSV file format, and save this sheet to a new file.

3)  Start Fund Manager and use "File / Import / Transactions / Generic...".  Select the file you created in step #2 to import.  For the input format string, use:


Leave the option to import into a specific investment turned off.  Turn on the option to create new investments automatically, and press "Next".  After previewing transactions, leave on the option to "Automatically Record Corresponding Entry In Default Cash Account".

When Fund Manager asks which investment is your default cash account, choose the existing cash investment (what you have on the Mappings sheet, cell G7). | Search | Site Map | About Us | Privacy Policy