Performance reports with Cash
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Posted by Didier
on August 20, 2005 at 15:16:46:
Hi Mark, I Have some small problem finding the optimal structure for my portfolios/subportfolios and cash accounts. I wanted to modify the structure, but I could not find a cut-paste function for complete sub-porfolios. So I made new sub portfolios, mades copies of others to move them and deleted the originals portfolios. Bad idea, the software kept crashing whenever I tried to make a report or open an investment. Now I have to rebuild from top if I want the new structure. What started this, was when I made performance reports and noticed that the cash accounts show negative performances when cash was removed. If the cash investment is in a portfolio, it affects the whole performance, but I do not fully understand the logic of this. For me, the idea of the cash accounts with different currencies is that I will move cash from one to the other to edge for currency risks. If I think the US dollar will decline, the I move my dollars into Euros or Swiss francs, but then the portfolio that holds the USD CASH investment will show a massive performance decline. This means I have to separate the cash accounts into a different "branch" of portfolios. Or is there another possibility? When I move all cash investments around, I suspect I will have some "side effects" later when I import the transactions. Should I use one portfolio structure to import my transactions, and another one to do the other things, like reports and graphs and so on?