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Tips on Retrieving From Certain Brokers

Some brokers have special steps you must take before you can retrieve transactions/positions from their OFX server.  Please consult your broker or mutual fund company's web site for instructions.  The following are a few special tips on select brokers:

American Century Investments:
For the User ID enter your Tax Identification Number (Social Security or Employer Identification number) without dashes.  For the Password enter your American Century Investments' PAC/PIN, which you can view/edit through their web site under "Update My Information / View or change PAC/PIN".

American Funds:
Use your social security number as the "User ID" and your American Funds password as the password.

Banc of America:
Use your "Intellibroker" user ID and password.

Barclays Capital:
Use your Lehman Brothers online user ID and password.

Charles Schwab: See: Charles Schwab - NEW

Interactive Brokers:
Before retrieving, you must enable this feature on your Interactive Broker account.  Sign into your account on Interactive Broker's website, and enable OFX access in Account Management under Settings.  Then, in Fund Manager enter "Query ID" for the username and "Token" for the password.  (Don't enter your Interactive Broker username and password.)

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management:
Before retrieving, you must "enable downloads" on your account.  Also, when entering your account number use the first 9 digits.

NetExchange Client:
When entering the User ID in Fund Manager enter your Financial Organization Number followed by your Net Exchange Client User ID

Prudential Retirement:
Use your Prudential UserID and Pin # for logging in.  For the account number, enter it as:  ppppppX000000Xnnnn where pppppp is your six digit plan number, 000000 is your six digit sub-plan number, and nnnn is the last four digits of your social security number.

Stifel - SWT:
Before using this broker, enable access on the Stifel Wealth Tracker website at "Settings / Account Settings" under the Quicken tab

USAA Investment Management:
Use your account number as the "User ID", and your PIN as the "Password".

If you are getting an error, try entering your username in all capitals

Vanguard Group:
If you are getting a signon invalid error, try resetting your password on Vanguard's website, and only use alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers, no special characters). | Search | Site Map | About Us | Privacy Policy