This dialog is available by right mouse clicking on any investment in the Portfolio Editor, and choosing Properties... from the popup menu. It is also available by right mouse clicking on any investment in the Graph or a Report window, and choosing Investment Properties... from the popup menu.
Prices: |
Retrieve Price |
Controls whether the quote for this investment will be requested when you perform an internet price retrieval. (Useful for preventing cash, money market, or other investments with a constant share price, from requesting price updates.) |
Quote Server |
Choose which server to use when updating prices ( |
Historical Quote Server |
Choose which server to use when updating historical prices ( |
Invert Retrieved Price |
When a price is retrieved for this investment, record the inverse (1/retrieved price). This feature may be useful for exchange rate investments where the source of exchange rates is opposite to the manner required under the Currency Settings Dialog. |
Multiply Retrieved Price By: |
Retrieved prices are multiplied by this factor |
Advanced Options... |
Price retrieval for only a certain type of server (regular or historical) can optionally be disabled. You can also optionally specify an alternate symbol to use when retrieving from the historical quote server. This can be useful if the regular quote server uses a different symbol that the selected historical quote server. |
Update Price when Retrieving Transactions |
Update the closing price for this investment when closing prices are available during any transaction retrieve or import. When retrieving transactions from a broker or mutual fund company they usually also provides closing prices. Leaving this option checked will cause these closing prices to be updated for this investment. This option applies to this specific investment. You can also globally enable or disable price updates for transaction retrieval/import under the Advanced Import Options dialog. |
Investment Properties - General Dialog
Investment Properties - Investment Goal Dialog
Investment Properties - Asset Type Dialog
Investment Properties - Sector Dialog
Investment Properties - Statistics Dialog
Investment Properties - Other Dialog
Investment Properties - Income Dialog
Investment Properties - Custom Dialog