General Preferences - Toolbar Dialog


This dialog is available from the Options / General Preferences... menu command.


This dialog page allows you specify appearance preferences and which buttons will appear on the Graphs and Portfolio Editor windows, depending on which window type is active when opening this dialog box.


To add a button to the toolbar, place a check next to the desired button. To remove a button from the toolbar, remove the check. Checks are toggled by clicking on the check box with your mouse. For descriptions of each available button, see Toolbar.


Show Tooltips

Toggle on/off the use of tooltips when the cursor pauses over a toolbar button.

Show Labels Under Icons

Turns on short descriptive text labels underneath the toolbar buttons.  This makes the toolbar buttons larger.

Button Size

Select a preference for button size.  The "Automatic" option will set the optimum button size based on the monitor resolution (DPI).

See Also

General Preferences Dialog

General Preferences - Display Dialog

General Preferences - Data Dialog

General Preferences - Yields Dialog

General Preferences - Menus Dialog

General Preferences - Other Dialog

General Preferences - Data Register Display Dialog

General Preferences - Portfolio Editor Display Dialog

General Preferences - File Types Dialog


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